VCS Denmark - VandCenter Syd - is one of the largest water and wastewater utilities in Denmark, and our history as an enterprise dates back more than 170 years. We are known as a frontrunner within the sector.
Our main operational activities include catchment, treatment and distribution of potable water and transport, treatment and disposal of wastewater – and in recent years our activities have increasingly incorporated climate adaptation as well. We contribute to the protection and improvement of the aquatic environment and the development of green urban living.
VCS Denmark is a local water and wastewater utility as well as an internationally acknowledged company. The two aspects of our activities complement each other: we have first-hand experience with the challenges of delivering high-quality services to our customers; and we are able to turn our experiences and know-how into valuable knowledge for other water and wastewater utilities with similar challenges.
Our international activities bring us inspiration. So does our active participation in a broad range of research projects cooperating with Danish and foreign universities and utilities as well as with private companies. In such projects we typically provide facilities and knowhow.
We contribute with papers and presentations at various conferences and are active in international water organizations and networks. In Denmark we are part of 3VAND, that represent the water companies of the three largest cities in Denmark; a close collaboration on e.g. international activities and development projects.